Perfect Bookish Family

#bookishfamilyHi guys! So I’m not sure if this is original or not, but the idea just came to me. So basically what I’ll do is I’ll construct a family out of individual characters from books. Let’s have some fun!


Hands down, Molly Weasley. She is my perfect bookish mom. She’s such an amazing mom, and the limits she would go to protect her children (good riddance Bellatrix!)


Hmmm… I would say Sirius Black. He’s such an inspirational character, and I would love to have him as a father. Either that or Mr. Weasley.


I couldn’t really think of much from any books, but I would say Marlee Tames Woodwork from The Selection. She’s so perky and happy, and she would be the kind of grandma who would Premake cookies for you😋


Probably Arthur Weasley. He would be such a fun grandad😅


Definitely Gale Hawthorn from the Hunger Games. He was so protective towards prim and Katniss, and I adore him to death. He would be an AMAZING brother😍


That would either be America Singer or Katniss Everdeen. I’m gonna go ahead and go with Katniss. Her love for Prim is so amazing, and she’s a great role model.


My #1 book boyfriend right now is Peeta Mellark. It was Percy Jackson, until I recently read the Hunger Games. PEETA IS BAE😍


I think it would be awesome to have Annabeth Chase as a daughter. Right now we’re the same age, but hey this is a fictional post😂


Going along with the post above, Percy. I know I’m like in love with him, but he can still be my fictional son for this post, right?!😅

That’s all for this post! Thanks for reading, and I would love for you to do it too. I have a tag up there👆so tag your post and I can’t wait to see it!

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